Getting Started

Setting up a Build Environment

This guide highlights the installation / setup process for the luna gateware library. It focuses on getting the Python module (and prerequisites) up and running.


  • Python 3.7, or later.

  • A working FPGA toolchain. We only officially support a toolchain composed of the Project Trellis ECP5 tools, the yosys synthesis suite, and the NextPNR place-and-route tool. All of these tools must be built from master.

  • A working installation of Amaranth HDL.


Currently, the LUNA library is considered a “work-in-progress”; and thus it’s assumed you’ll want to use a local copy of LUNA for development.

The easiest way to set this up is to install the distribution in your working environment. From the root of the repository:

# Install a copy of our local tools.
pip install .

# Alternatively: install all dependencies,
# including optional development packages (required for running applets and examples).
pip install .[dev]

If you want to install LUNA to your machine globally (not recommended), you can do so using the following single command:

# Create a LUNA package, and install it.
pip install . --user


The easiest way to test your installation is to build one of the test applets. These applets are just Python scripts that construct and program gateware using Amaranth HDL; so they can be run like any other script:

# With GSG or self-built LUNA hardware connected; we can run the full test,
# and test both our installation and the attached hardware.
python applets/

# Without LUNA hardware connected, we'll only build the applet, to exercise
# our toolchain.
python applets/ --dry-run

The apollo utility.

The luna distribution depends on apollo, which includes a utility that can be used to perform various simple functions useful in development; including simple JTAG operations, SVF playback, manipulating the board’s flash, and debug comms.

$ apollo
usage: apollo [-h] command: [[argument]] [[value]]

Utility for LUNA development via an onboard Debug Controller.

positional arguments:
  command:    info       -- Prints information about any connected LUNA-compatible boards
              configure  -- Uploads a bitstream to the device's FPGA over JTAG.
              erase      -- Clears the attached board's configuration flash.
              program    -- Programs the target bitstream onto the attached FPGA.
              jtag-scan  -- Prints information about devices on the onboard JTAG chain.
              flash-scan -- Attempts to detect any attached configuration flashes.
              svf        -- Plays a given SVF file over JTAG.
              spi        -- Sends the given list of bytes over debug-SPI, and returns the response.
              spi-inv    -- Sends the given list of bytes over SPI with inverted CS.
              spi-reg    -- Reads or writes to a provided register over the debug-SPI.
  [argument]  the argument to the given command; often a filename
  [value]     the value to a register write command

To have easy access to the apollo command, you’ll need to ensure that your python binary directory is in your PATH. For macOS/Linux, this often means adding ~/.local/bin to your PATH.